
Happy Valentine's Day

Page history last edited by Sandra McVannel 12 years ago


Happy Valentine's Day!

Students are invited to bring Valentine's Day cards on Thursday, Feb. 14th.  Below is a list of all the students in our class.  Please refrain from sending treats.  Cards are welcome!

***keep scrolling down to find some printable Valentine activities for you to do at home!


Griffin            Jaeden Cannon Jack
Mustafa          Keshan  Daniel Hannah 
Emma  Esmee  Shawn  Sydney 
Madison  Isabella  Satya  David 
Gurneet  Adam  Max  Evan
Mrs. McVannel  Mlle. Doherty  Mme. Kazemzadeh  Ms. McCutcheon 


Groundhog Day and Valentine's Day Activities

*just remember to click the arrow to download the activity to your computer so you can print it out. 


Groundhog Day Wordsearch


Valentine cryptogram

 Valentine Cutout Craft

 Valentine Mystery Addition

 Mystery Subtraction

 Mystery Heart Subtraction

 Valentine Wordsearch

 Subtraction Math Picture


 Groundhog Day Word Mix Up



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