***We are now done all of the word wall words for this year both in grade 2 and in grade 3. The words are all posted on the wall in our classroom in full view so that students are expected to use them correctly in their writing tasks. Please feel free to review the words at any time. We will continue to practise our words in class through games and use of Spelling City!
Parents: Here is the page you will want to check every week. Students will begin working with a new series of words each week. We will introduce the words on the first day of the week, print them in our planner and use these words daily in practise. On Friday there will be a short activity to prove that your child has learned to spell and recognize these words. Students are invited to learn both sets if they choose, but are responsible for the words in their grade. (i.e. grade 2's are welcome to study the grade 3 words and vice versa!)
P.S. Check out the activities offered on Spelling City to help your child practise and "play games" with the words of the week. Just click on the words Spelling City!
September 10
Grade 2 Grade 3
about anyone
thing confusion
make journal
favourite favourite
best vacation
September 17
Grade 2 Grade 3
I I'm
have have
was was
went went
to to
September 24
Grade 2 Grade 3
who who
what what
where where
when when
why why
October 1
Grade 2 Grade 3
again again
first first
before before
then then
after after
October 9
Grade 2 Grade 3
said said
snap winner
crash exciting
truck except
October 15
Grade 2 Grade 3
with with
made impossible
ride unhappiness
joke independent
because because
October 22
Grade 2 Grade 3
stop another
float especially
rain want
tell won
November 5
Grade 2 Grade 3
there (here) there (here)
are are
line almost
wanted wanted
November 12
Grade 2 Grade 3
thank getting
saw hidden
trip enough
drink discover
November 19
Grade 2 Grade 3
their their
our our
one (#1) one (#1)
those governor
house general
November 26
Grade 2 Grade 3
phone thought
clock countries
shook community
city city
school schools
December 3
Grade 2 Grade 3
skate write
write laughed
jump right
crashes trouble
kicked terrible
December 10
Grade 2 Grade 3
every sometimes
sometimes something
outside into
into buy
than by
December 17
Grade 2 Grade 3
slow could
found wouldn't
how always
could hole
car whole
January 7
Grade 2 Grade 3
very very
too too
many two
children weather
two whether
January 14
Grade 2 Grade 3
sale your
use you're
junk new
new through
beautiful beautiful
January 21
Grade 2 Grade 3
or myself
brothers everybody
sister everything
other also
hurt about
January 28
Grade 2 Grade 3
knew off
won knew
off right
right recycle
February 4
Grade 2 Grade 3
people people
little probably
small lovable
February 11
Grade 2 Grade 3
green pretty
black prettier
pretty prettiest
really really
more usually
February 19
Grade 2 Grade 3
will won't
not don't
won't let's
don't we're
were were
February 25, 2013.
Grade 2 Grade 3
they're they're
gym know
it's its
that's it's
caught no
they they
March 4, 2013
Grade 2 Grade 3
can't can't
didn't didn't
quit until
writing doesn't
walk that's
We are DONE learning our words.
Now we will review, review and review
some more! Students are expected to
use the correct spelling in their daily
writing task!
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